About Me

How to describe this blog?

Within these pages will pretty much be a diary on the stuff I consume. Books, TV, movies, food, books…..

My reviews will not be adhered to particular format in any way. It will not reveal a true timeline of when I read, watch, or eat what I write about. Hopefully, it can be followed without much confusion but I’m not worried about that either. And horror of all horrors, it may have a grammatical error or too two (that was technically a misspelling error and not a grammatical one but I digress).

 It will read like I think, erratic and disorganized. I may or may not give spoilers on what I write about (I will try to remember to place warnings if I do). I WILL ramble about the stuff that I read or watch as evidenced by this About Me.

How to describe my reading history? Let’s do it in percentages:

80% Romance

15% Sci-fi

5% what is this and how did it get on my Kindle/bookshelf/back of the toilet?

My love of romance novels started when I discovered my mother’s stash of harlequin romance novels circa early 1980s, hidden in the back of her closet like a stack of Playboys. They were clichéd, eye-rolling world-traveling romantic monstrosities. The men were suave knuckle-draggers and with the character development reminiscent of such classics as See Spot Run. It was love at first sight.

        I went on a decade-long bender of bodice rippers with a dash of contemporary romance thrown in here and there. Now, I have moved on to young adult that has a little teeth to it. Why would an adult read stuff geared to a younger gen? In fiction, all things are made equal.

        Oh, and I am a sci-fi nerd. Not dress-as-Browncoat-at-the-convention nerd but I have been to said conventions and have freely admired all those who attend in their glorious attire (one day I may have the courage to follow suit but I highly doubt it).

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