Through a hookup phone app.
But here's the catch, they have no idea that they are newly minted steps...
Lowdown: Okay, this is a genre that is quickly gaining popularity among the contempo-romance reading community: fake taboo step-brother romance.
After reading several books with the same premise, this book was better than most.
Granted, the premise was a little...skeazy. They hooked up via iphone app. It's called Herpes.
I'm kidding. (Not really)
But if you would suspend disbelief for a minute, the story was saved by really good writing and character development.
Addison is trying to escape the past by excelling in her career.
There is no room for any lovey-dovey stuff. She just wants a release coming from somewhere more organic than a hand-held. And that's why she swipes on Wilder's profile.
However, Addison and Wilder can't keep their feelings separate from their arrangement. Eventually, they start to fall for each other. I'm not really spoiling the story here as this IS a romance novel and it always ends up in with an HEA.
What I really liked about this book is the pursuit. Even though Wilder adamantly tells Addison that this is a strictly physical proposition, he is the one who falls flat on his face first.
Wilder is handsome (of course), extremely rich (a cliche ...but okay), and aggressive in his professional and personal life (yum!).
I'd been looking for some like her for years. No muss, no fuss. No commitment. No expectations.
I was supposed to be able to f*ck her sideways and not think about her again. I was supposed to go about my days like a man who got laid on a regular basis and didn't give a f*ck about where his next lay was going to come from.
But it didn't happen like that.
Another plus in my book...dual POVs. I'm not to fond of first person stories but I'll take one that has the POV of both protagonists and not just the mussing of one.
All in all, a sexy book and easy to read.
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